Friday, 18 April 2014 Uttarakhand UPMT Admit Card 2014

Uttarakhand Pre Medical Test 2014 Admit Card

Uttarakhand Pre Medical Test will be conducted on 18th May 2014 and hosted by Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology.  This exam will fill up the various Medical Seats in MBBS, BHMS, BDS and BAMS courses. Now university is ready to release the UPMT Admit Card 2014 in the month of May before the examination. 

UPMT Admit Card 2014 would be downloaded by only those students who have filled their application form completely without any error from the official website to follow given steps:
 1) Go to official portal: 
2) Find UPMT Admit Card 2014 link and click on it. 
3) Provide all required details on the web page and click on Submit button. 
4) Online generated hall ticket will appear on the screen in pdf file format. 
5) Download it and take print out of it for future use. 

Candidates may advised to check your entire details on the admit card and paste your recently passport size photograph on it. Hall ticket is essential document, so preserve it till the final stage of admission process. 

Candidate cannot enter in the examination center without UPMT Admit Card 2014 along with one photo proof identity such as voter id or driving license etc.

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